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Santa Cruz - Round 2

Animal Balance

Our second clinic in Santa Cruz  was a huge success! Our team was able to sterilize 200 animals from Santa Cruz and the surrounding communities. It really is a wonder that our teams can do this time and time again as each Animal Balance clinic is made up of a different group of people. All of them are extremely talented and skilled in their area of expertise, but many of them have never even met. We have a big ask for these teams: to safely and efficiently sterilize 200 pets in just one long weekend! On the first day we are sometimes strangers working together for a common goal, but by the third day, we are an unstoppable force!! One of our new team members who joined us for the Santa Cruz clinic said, "Just love how most of us had never worked together but we clicked and made it seem like we have been working together for years!" Part of the magic of Animal Balance is that once you join a team, you are part of our family for life! We rely on those who come back time and time again to help us create the feeling of family, and I believe that's what allows us to gel so quickly as teams. We always treat each other with respect, kindness and compassion first, checking our egos at the door.

Megan Gram

Animal Balance

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